Ethan Day | EM Lynley's Literary Love Shack Gay Romance: Because Love Spans the Rainbow Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:53:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 8523173 Vampires and Pegging and Porn…Oh My!!! Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:31:07 +0000 ED_SelfPreservation_coversmSince I’m sort of one of the final few bringing up the rear, if you will, of Cocktoberfest – I thought I might take the opportunity to reminisce over the past week a bit.  Put a few things into perspective and of course talk about some of the new things I’ve learned.

Ah – Cocktoberfest.  The images the word inspired in my mind upon first seeing it.  There in lies a bit of the problem.  I mean – I practically fell all over myself when it came to agreeing to participating in the festivities.  However, I should be completely honest now and fess up to the fact I initially thought Cocktoberfest was something else altogether.  It was only natural, considering my understanding of the root word, Oktoberfest, which I’d understood to be some sort of wine tasting for beer drinkers.  Keeping that in mind, I naturally assumed the word Cocktoberfest – well, would involve the tasting of a wide variety of different…um…let’s just say it gave meaning to one of my favorite lines from the Bogie/Bacall classic, To Have and Have Not.  You know the line – ‘You just put your lips together and…blow.”  Since I was indeed incorrect on that score, we’ll just move on, shall we?

Despite my initial disappointment on discovering there wasn’t going to be an official cock tasting – it has wound up being a particularly titillating week here at EM’s.  There have been several times I’ve felt like lighting up upon finishing a visit, only to remember I no longer smoke and will therefore never be having another post-coital puff.  Guess that means I need to think of something else to stick in my mouth. : )

I’ve learned several new things this week.  For one I was totally shocked to discover that Supernatural Sex referenced a more mystical or mythical meaning.  All these years I’d thought it was Super Natural Sex – or sex you had while sober.   I was relieved to recall that despite being incorrect as to the true meaning, I hadn’t missed out on having it.  That rather large, muscled guy I’d picked up that night, way back in the late nineties, was quite strong.  Thank goodness for hairy men!  While I don’t recall a particularly unique smell, he did seem to have a bit of a sniffing fetish going on.  My very own wolf-man?  Who knew I’d been such a were-queen?

There was that slightly uncomfortable moment when I became a little confused, wondering how we’d allowed such a major faux pas.  A blog post about older men and another about classic cock?  Holy double booking, Batman!    Awkward!   Fortunately, they turned out to be different topics after all, not to mention great blog posts, and all was well in the world of Cocktopia.

Another new lesson for me was James’s post on being Pegged, which is something I’ve never been.  I have been pinned on many occasions, and though there was nothing sparkly involved in my experiences – there was plenty of lube.  I’m somewhat envious of the Pegger’s out there when I think back over my past.  I mean, seriously…how convenient to be able to select-a-size based upon your own personal comfort level as opposed to the crap-shoot of dealing with whatever you wound up bringing home with you on a Saturday night.

I must admit to also now being desperate to meet AJ’s father.  He sounds so sassy!  I love him already!  My father’s penchant for naming our pets after traditional Native American words combined with Doorber, the name of the street I grew up on, has unfortunately left me with a truly heinous porn name.  I was fascinated by the behind-the-scenes goings-on of AJ’s porn shoot.  I’d always imagined it to be like Melrose Place with lots of jizz.  And I have a feeling it probably would be if it were me going to the set with my porn star boyfriend.  I just know I’d be listening intently to every moan, groan, grunt and thrust as I tried to dissect whether or not my BF was enjoying himself more than he did when he was doing it with me.  I’m just fucked in the head that way. : )
While I’ve personally never been too into the whole S&M scene — I’m not being judgie!  I wig out if my shoes are too tight.  I just can’t imagine being bound up.  It sends me into panic-sweats, people!

I do however love a good Vamp story.  While I have yet to read the books, I wasn’t very impressed by the Twilight movie.  For me it didn’t have anything to do with the glittery Vamps, which while seeming a bit out there – I have always had a fondness for shiny objects.  I just felt like the character development wasn’t there in the film.  I am over the moon about the Vampire Diary’s and True Blood, though.  I do live in constant fear that the market will become overly flooded by blood suckers and insight a backlash, causing these shows to disappear.  (That’s part of the reason I haven’t read any of the books.  I’ll at least be able to still get my fix when it happens.)

It will be devastating either way.  Losing the V-Diaries would be bad enough.  I’m not sure my sanity could handle the cancelation of True Blood.  (Crosses fingers, rubs lucky horseshoe, & tosses salt over shoulder)  I’d tune in at this point just to listen to Stephen Moyer as Vampire Bill say the name Sookie.  There’s just something about the way he says it.  I think I come a little in my pants every time he does.  It’s just fucking hot!  I can’t seem to hear it enough, and it’s gotten to the point that I curse my parents whenever I hear it for not having had the foresight to realize they should have named me Sookie!

I hope everyone else has enjoyed Cocktoberfest as much as I have!
Much Love
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