JL Merrow applies some Firm Pressure

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Anyone see the boat race this year? What a drama! I’m talking about the annual Oxford v Cambridge Varsity Boat Race, which took place on Saturday, April 7th. The official website called it “one of the most eventful races in history.”


So, for those of you who don’t share my obsession with sixteen supremely fit, tall, muscular lads giving it all they’ve got for around 15 minutes, their sweaty bodies moving together in perfect rhythm….um, what was I talking about? Oh yes: what happened?

Basically, the race was disrupted by a protestor who apparently didn’t realise swimming between the boats would be a totally idiotic, dangerous thing to do (you may notice just a tad of editorial bias here). The race had to be stopped and re-started from the half-way point—shortly after which one of the Oxford rowers broke an oar in a clash which was judged to be their fault.

There was nothing they could do but row on, with only seven oars. A Cambridge victory was a foregone conclusion, but the Oxford crew struggled on valiantly, giving it their all. One of them all too literally: Dr Alex Woods, the Oxford bow man, collapsed from exhaustion as they crossed the finish line and had to be taken to hospital (he later made a full recovery).

So there was a victory for Cambridge—but definitely not the one they (and I) had wanted.

If that’s got you in the mood for a rowing story which takes the thrill of a boat race and adds in some hot man-on-man action, how about this:

Stroke to his Cox

Stroke to His Cox:

As coxswain of a Cambridge college rowing team, pint-sized Dave Tanaka has eight strapping athletes hanging on his every word, their strength at his command. Leading his crew to win their oars might be easier if Dave didn’t have to hide his crush on Archie, the stroke rower – but as they prepare for their final race, Dave doesn’t suspect that Archie is in the same boat as him in more ways than one!

a sweet gem, not only for the blazing, sexual chemistry between Dave and Archie, but also for the funny and original voice Dave has as he narrates the story – Cole, on Reviews by Jessewave.

Stroke to His Cox is available here: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=2155

More information (and a link to a free sequel!) on my website here: http://www.jlmerrow.com/contemporary-mm.html

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2 Responses to “JL Merrow applies some Firm Pressure”

  1. Clare London says:

    What a drama it was! And so many people were drawn toward watching a race that they’d possibly never watched before 🙂 I loved this story, Jamie, it portrayed the rowing so vividly, and with a lot of sexy fun. One of my best friends is a rower, so it struck home especially keenly.

  2. JL Merrow says:

    Thanks, Clare! I worked hard on getting this one to sound authentic – I’ve never rowed myself, unless you count the machine at the gym – so it’s great to hear it came over well! 😀

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