New contract!

I’m thrilled to announce that Torquere just offered me a contract for ANIMAL INSTINCTS, another story featuring Nate and Cory from A HEAT.SEEKING.MISSILE.

The first story got some great (5-star) reviews and I had emails from readers asking for more with these characters, and more is coming!

ANIMAL INSTINCTS started out as free-read ficlet based on prompts submitted by [info]janalyn ! I expanded the story quite a lot from her prompts, but it takes place at the zoo. It was fun to write and I’m happy Torquere liked it.

As soon as I have information on a release date, I’ll post the gay penguin coupleinformation.

Stay tuned, I have another contract to announce later today….

I’ll also be posting another call for prompts for another one of my free reads.   Busy day today!

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One Response to “New contract!”

  1. Maria says:

    Thanks very much for sharing all of the excellent info! I am looking forward to reading more posts.

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