Pacing Your Novel 1: Th...

  In my survey of your biggest rewriting challenges, many of you indicated pacing of your story among the most difficult.   What is Pacing? Pacing refers to how slowly or quickly time passes in the story: the pace of time’s passage. It’s important to realize that...

5 Things Authors Miss o...

  In my real life I’m a tax and finance professional and I’ve been sharing my knowledge with other writers for the past three years. I find many people have problems with the same issues year after year. Are you making these mistakes?  If so, you’ll find more ways to solve these...

Cover Reveal: Out of th...

It’s almost here… I’m so excited to finally share the cover and blurb for my next Dreamspinner Press novel. Thanks to the uber-talented Reese Dante for the gorgeous cover. This is a book I’ve been wanting to write for a very long time, but I’ll save that story for another time. For now,...

March Tax Workshop for ...

The March workshop is the last one before taxes are due on April 15. As some of my readers know, in RL I’m a tax and finance professional, and I’ve been using that knowledge to teach my tax workshops. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to stop procrastinating on your tax return. We...

J.P. Barnaby shares #FR...

Online Part One: Virtually Loved Rating: xo By J. P. Barnaby   Today you are in for a real treat. My special guest is J.P. Barnaby who is sharing Part One of her story Online, a very sexy, very NSFW story of what happens when technology connects two men who aren’t interested...

#Tax Workshop for Autho...

As some of my readers know, in RL I’m a tax and finance professional, and I’ve been using that knowledge to teach my tax workshops. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to start thinking about your tax return. We have a lot of new authors here who may be filing Schedule C for the first...