#Delectable December: B...

I’m so excited to host B.G. Thomas as part of Delectable December. We met in Albuquerque at the secret Icelandic booze party that has now become a GRL tradition. Experiences like that bond people, even if you don’t see them for a whole year, and when we met up again in...

#Delectable December Fo...

There is still room to sign up to participate in Delectable December, and share your own favorite holiday-related food story or recipe. Authors, readers, everyone is invited!   Please share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrEmailPrintMoreLinkedInPocketRedditLike this:Like...

#Delectable December: L...

  I’m thrilled to kick off Delectable December with my wonderful friend LE Franks. She’s local, though we’ve spent more time together at GRL and Bent-con than in San Francisco, at least so far. She mentioned her mother’s cookie recipe in Atlanta and I...

NEW RELEASE: Jaded, Mak...

My newest novel JADED is finally here! I’m so thrilled about this particular release. I’ll explain my use of “particular” with a true confession: Very often, by the time a book comes out, the author has been through more rounds of edits and galley readings than we would like, and we’ve...

#NaNoWriMo Rescue 1 #am...

By now, day 21, you should be about 75% of the way through your story. If you’re at about 35,000 words you’re on target to finish on time. If you’re not, let’s take a look at what might help. If you’re just not finding time to write, check out the last post on ways to get more words in....

8 Tips for Hitting the ...

By now (Day 17) ideally you would have 26,666 written and cross the 28,333 mark by midnight tonight. Everyone is there, right? If you’re not hitting these numbers, don’t worry. There are two more weekends after this one. Keep going and whatever you do, do not give up. Even if you don’t...