Saddle Up for a Steamy ...

  There is nothing more exciting for an author than to show off a new cover that’s really wonderful. Except maybe to see the new cover on a bestseller list, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. I’m thrilled to share the cover (and a NSFW excerpt from the book!) and tell...

What influences you to ...

Forgive me cheating a bit with a poll today. I’m deep into a major rewrite of Sex, Lies & Wedding Bells, and haven’t had time to be online much. I will be back this weekend, with news, excerpts and maybe a sneak peek or two.   What influences you to buy a book? This...

Unconditional Surrender...

  We’ve all got places in our lives where we feel comfortable. Maybe because it’s familiar or because we have some kind of aptitude or control. It could be a place, such as your home or even your favorite room in the house. For some it’s their work environment or while playing a...

Release Day Tease (NSFW...

FBI agent + stripper/sub-for-hire= HOT Add in plenty of mystery & a good dose of BDSM, and I think you’ll love this one. AReCafe Staff Pick! “This one was a great read and kept me at the edge of my seat.” “One of the steamiest books I have ever read.”...

LGBT Foster Kids Pride ...

Have you ever been really pleasantly surprised by something? Or happened upon something fantastic just by chance? It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it can feel like the universe is sending you a message. A few months ago I was walking down the street in Oakland. You may...

Same-sex Marriage and G...

Should legalizing same-sex marriage affect readers and writers of gay romance? As of today, lawsuits have been filed to lift bans on same-sex marriage in every state where such bans exist and have not yet been declared unconstitutional. Nearly half the states allow same-sex marriage, and...