#Tax Planning Courses f...

Every spring I run my tax tips class and I always have people saying “I wish I knew that during the year.” So this year I am offering a two-part class. I know you’re busy and don’t want to have a full-on tax course during the holidays. (My qualifications) But there are plenty of...

Cover Reveal: Snow Job ...

Writing two different holiday stories guaranteed my releases would bunch up in December. Gingerbread Palace just came out, and I haven’t even mentioned Snow Job except in passing. Here’s the gorgeous cover art. It’s coming 12/17 from Loose Id. They don’t do...

#Delectable December NE...

  I’m so excited today because GINGERBREAD PALACE is finally here. My Dreamspinner Christmas story: Sparks fly when a sexy chef meets a firefighter with a secret A week before Christmas, Alex Bancroft’s bakery goes up in flames. When he runs back inside after a dog,...

#SundaySnippet from JAD...

Read a little bit from my latest release: Jaded, from Dreamspinner Press “Ready for breakfast?” Trent called from the kitchen. “Yeah.” Reed rubbed a towel over his wet hair and hung it up in the bathroom. He didn’t bother to put on any clothes for breakfast. It was part of their routine...

#Delectable December: B...

I’m so excited to host B.G. Thomas as part of Delectable December. We met in Albuquerque at the secret Icelandic booze party that has now become a GRL tradition. Experiences like that bond people, even if you don’t see them for a whole year, and when we met up again in...

#Delectable December: L...

  I’m thrilled to kick off Delectable December with my wonderful friend LE Franks. She’s local, though we’ve spent more time together at GRL and Bent-con than in San Francisco, at least so far. She mentioned her mother’s cookie recipe in Atlanta and I...