Is it still Monday?

It certainly felt that way when I tried to get out of bed this morning. I got home late last night after a far-too-eventful journey home. I went to bed almost right away. Turns out my slightly sore throat and stuffed sinuses weren’t due to talking too much or allergies. I’m...

Lessons Learned #1: Fol...

We’ve been told this since before we could read and write, but it’s still excellent advice when you’re querying or submitting your work to an editor or publisher. This is probably more useful to new writers, but it never hurts to remind people why it’s important....


Here’s the line up for the upcoming Gay Fairy Tales anthology. I’m really excited by how many great stories I got. In fact, I decided not to put my own story in, to make  room for as many of them as possible. Publication date: late September or early October. BEDKNOBS &...

Call for submissions: R...

Publisher: Ravenous Romance Editor: EM Lynley Payment: Royalties Email: lynley.editor Length: 3,500 – 10,000 words Deadline: October 15, 2009 or until spots filled Publication Date: December 2009 I’m looking for stories based on traditional fairy tales, but with a...

BIG news about the Fair...

Ravenous has been so pleased with the stories I’ve gotten that they have decided to publish two GLBT anthologies rather than one. First they’ll release one that is just m/m stories, BEDKNOBS & BEANSTALKS. In addition, I’ll edit a second volume which will be only...

Fairy tale subs clarifi...

As I said yesterday, the final decisions on the FAIRY TALES will be made in the next few days. I have not made the final cut and I am still talking with the publisher about the possibility of doing 2 volumes instead of one. Nothing has changed since I posted this information yesterday,...