Truck Love by Eden Winters

Leave it to Eden Winters to get two men to fall in love over an ancient Ford truck. But nothing she does can be considered predictable or conventional. Find out why…


Being raised on a farm, I know firsthand how much stock farmers put in their work vehicles. The truck of choice must be dependable and rugged, if not necessarily pretty. Though it may obtain dents and bangs as par for the course, it’s a prized possession, and kept in tip top condition. A farmer can’t afford to be without a good truck.

In my 2011 novel, Settling the Score, a 1966 Ford F-100 plays a key role in Joey and Troy’s romance. Troy doesn’t have the heart to part with the reminder of his beloved, departed grandfather, and so the truck sits, rusting and forgotten in a barn.

Closeted Georgia mechanic Joey Nichols leaves his small hometown after being outed by his recently famous movie-star boyfriend. Dropped like a hot rock on national television, brokenhearted Joey is left to face the fallout with the help of his supportive yet quirky kin. Author Troy is currently working on a novel that bears a striking resemblance to Joey’s story, and Troy’s conniving assistant, Erika, arranges to hire Joey to help with research.

When mechanic Joey comes to work for Troy, he’s a little bit lost, away from home for the first time, and a lot homesick. In a flash of inspiration, Troy uses the truck as incentive for Joey’s perseverance, and is taken aback when his new assistance accepts time spent restoring “Old Betsey” as a reward, with no expectations of payment for labor because, “It’s what I like to do.”

Joey works on the truck as Troy interviews him for the book, and little by little, the two very different men form a budding relationship.

Romantic gestures come in a lot of different forms. Joey wouldn’t know what to do if he got flowers and a box of chocolates, and Troy would never think to buy them anyway. Sometimes the perfect symbol for “I love you” has four on the floor.

Closeted mechanic Joey Nichols’ life is good. His boyfriend landed a major Hollywood role, and is well on the way to superstardom. Joey’s bags are packed and soon he’ll leave small town Georgia and join the man of his dreams in California, to live out, proud, and together. Days before his planned departure, his lover outs Joey during a televised interview and announces that they’ve broken up, leaving Joey to face the bigotry of the locals alone.

Bestselling author Troy Steele knows all about having life turned upside down by the media. Now a recluse, Troy shuns all the trappings that come with writing books made into blockbuster movies. He spends his time exacting revenge on a former flame via his novels and hiding out in rural South Carolina, watching celebrity gossip shows. Joey’s fifteen minutes of fame bear an eerie similarity to the plot of Troy’s latest work in progress. What if Joey could be transformed into everything the fickle ex wanted, as Troy is writing for his fictional hero, and secretly wishes for himself? Once polished, could a diamond-in-the-rough good ole boy confront his ex, then walk away, pride intact? These are Troy’s questions, and he’s counting on Joey for answers.

Enjoy more of Eden’s posts at her website and blog:


Settling the Score @Torquere Press:

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4 Responses to “Truck Love by Eden Winters”

  1. I adored this book, Eden! I loved the whole Cinderella feel of it and the contrast of the two MCs.

  2. KC Burn says:

    I had a great time with this book, but having barely any car knowledge, every time the truck was mentioned, I got a fuzzy image in my head… which looked *nothing* like the picture! In fact, I’m pretty sure I manufactured a vehicle that was more car-like than truck-like. So, it’s cool that I finally know what the truck looked like.

  3. Clare London says:

    Ah now, I can imagine a truck all right 🙂 and having a houseful of men, I can imagine the excitement of working on one – especially with a fascinating partner! This looks great Eden, I love your “voice”.

  4. Anel Viz says:

    Another book for my to-read list. About the only thing I know about motor vehicles is how to drive them and fill the gas tank, but my bf absolutely adores trucks, so there’s a good chance I can get off imagining myself as Troy (not best-selling, but still selling) and the bf as Joey. =D

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