Even More Delectable? The Series Continues (#poll #mmromance)


Sands_Cover_194 BrandNewFlavor extracover200x300 LightingTheWayHome

SpaghettiWestern  GingerbreadPalace IntoxicatingCrush[An] Shirtless cowboy leaning against a white wall 6


It’s amazing to realize the Delectable Series has eight stories, including the two bonus editions. Though each one is a standalone, there are a few characters who cross into other stories briefly. I’m thinking it might be time for more interaction between the couples. What characters would you like to see meet in a future story? Who would you like to know more about?

Leave a comment with your “dream scenario” for a cross over or an aspect of food and/or wine that you’d love to read about. I’ll choose a winner to get their choice of Delectable Series book, or if you have them all, you can choose another from my bookshelf.


Don’t forget, the royalties from An Extra Helping of Gingerbread go to Family Builders, an organization that helps LGBTQ foster kids find safe loving homes. It was inspired by the issues I learned about while researching the foster care system during the writing of Gingerbread Palace.




Word Counts – Today: 0 | December: 0 | 2014: 0

#Poll Does Stormy Weather Make Good Romance? (#giveaway #mmromance)


It’s been pouring here in Northern California. We’re in a drought situation, so we really need it, but it’s no fun driving in the rain. I love hearing the rain on the roof when I’m snug and warm at home.

Of course extreme weather can offer some nice opportunities for romance. I have a scene in Rarer Than Rubies where the main characters are stuck in a little hut during a monsoon rain. Talk about setting the mood. It worked perfectly for Trent and Reed–it was their first time together, way back when.  In Snow Job, my two boys are stuck in a cabin for Christmas when the power goes out and they have to keep each other warm. Then Zack and Monty go a few steps farther and it’s sizzling!

What kind of weather do you think makes the best setting for romance, and why? Leave a comment for a chance  to win a copy of your choice of Rarer Than Rubies (hot in Thailand) or Snow Job (Christmas in a cold climate).

NOTE: Please give the poll widget below a moment to load in your browser so you can vote!


EML_SnowJob_covertn      RarerThanRubies_pr2

Word Counts – Today: 0 | December: 0 | 2014: 0

Vote for a title for EM Lynley’s Precious Gems 4


photo-Men-523910511I got a lot of entries for the title contest for Precious Gems Series book 4.

Thanks to everyone who submitted a name. After brainstorming with beta readers, I’ve got some new options and selected the most relevant of the entries from the blog and Facebook. (Expect an email if you won a prize)

So, now it’s time to vote.

And there is a giveaway here too.  First, vote in the poll. Then, leave a comment telling me which title you like best. I’ll randomly select at least one commenter to win an e-book from my backlist.

Read the blurb, then select the best titles that fit with the blurb, not just the best-sounding title.

thReed Acton has something more difficult to face this time around: a visit from Trent Copeland’s parents. He’s less equipped to handle hugs and holidays than the Taliban or international art thieves. When he’s assigned a case to track down a set of gold Babylonian artifacts looted from the Iraqi National Museum after the 2003 fall of Baghdad, things start to look up. The investigation takes him and Trent to Istanbul and then to an army base on US soil where Reed has to confront the worst demons from his past–his own parents–in order to find out which soldiers have been selling off the smuggled items.

Word Counts – Today: 0 | October: 0 | 2014: 0

Countdown to NaNoWriMo: What’s Holding You Back?


nanocrestIt’s the end of September. You’ve got about a month until NaNoWriMo starts. Seems like plenty of time, right? Some of you are wondering why I’m already talking about NaNo when it doesn’t even start until November 1.

Because writing and finishing a book takes more than just the 30 days you’re planning to spend working on it during November. If this is your first time considering doing NaNoWriMo, or you’ve tried before and didn’t quite make your 50k, stay tuned because I’ll be sharing with you my tips, advice and some tricks to help you be ready to start writing on November 1, and to get 50k (or a finished story) by November 30.

Take the quick poll below so I can see what your biggest concerns are about participating. I’ll be addressing as many of these as I can before and during November, to help you hit 50k.

What makes me an expert, you may be asking. And that’s a great question. I’ve been doing NaNo for about ten years now, and have hit the 50k goal every year. Most years I’ve finished an even longer novel by November 30. And these novels have been contracted and released by a publisher—not self-published. (Bound for Trouble was my 2013 NaNo project.)

I’ve collected the worksheets and techniques I use for developing a novel into an easy-to-use novel planning kit, How to Be a NaNoWriMo Winner.

Giveaway: Leave a comment for the chance to win a copy of my book How to Be a NaNoWriMo Winner

Word Counts – Today: 0 | September: 0 | 2014: 0